The Snowman
The Snowman is a 1982 British animated television film and symphonic poem based on Raymond Briggs’s 1978 picture book The Snowman. It was directed by Dianne Jackson for Channel 4. It was first shown on 26 December 1982, and was an immediate success.
It was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 55th Academy Awards and won a BAFTA TV Award. The story is told through pictures, action and music, scored by Howard Blake. It has no words, with the exception of the central song, “Walking in the Air”. The orchestral score was performed by the Sinfonia of London and the song was performed by Peter Auty, a St Paul’s Cathedral choirboy.
To celebrate the film’s 40th anniversary, in 2022 Magic Star released an all new remaster of the album with an immersive Dolby Atmos mix, approved by composer, Howard Blake.