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“Con­fi­dence in the Intel­li­gence of Our Audience”

Unlike con­ven­tion­al cre­ative stu­dios, we work with var­i­ous inde­pen­dent musi­cians, artists, and stu­dios around the world to cre­ate a var­ied and inclu­sive con­tent.  all while bal­anc­ing class­work, nav­i­gat­ing friend­ships and rival­ries and deal­ing with the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of typ­i­cal teen life.

Con­ver­gence of Music, Sto­ry­telling and Visu­al Design 

CeREELs over­see a mul­ti­tude of IP includ­ing Ella Gator, Express­way, Mon­ster Week and The Adven­tures of Odie. The music cov­ers a vari­ety of gen­res includ­ing KPOP and Hip Hop.